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Last Soldier of Richardson Co. Dedication
October 31, 2020 @ 10:00 AM
The Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Department of Nebraska are having a grave dedication honoring Henry Wolf, the Last Union Civil War Soldier buried in Richardson County, Nebraska at the Stella Cemetery near Stella. Wolf was a soldier in Co. C, 47th Pennsylvania Infantry and died March 21, 1937 at the age of 95.
Directions: Go south out of Auburn on Hwy 75 about 14 miles to Hwy 63 and turn left. Stella is about 5 miles or so. From the west there are 2 school crossing diamond shaped signs with the second one (east one) with a light mounted on top of it but it should not be blinking (there is also a vintage gas station on the southeast corner of the intersection with one non-usable pump in front of it). Turn south, right. You are on Main Street but I do not think it is marked on that highway corner but is as you move south into town. Proceed through the old “downtown” area. As you approach the railroad tracks the street will turn into gravel and twist to the left. Stay on the gravel though that twist and an actual curve to the left. The cemetery will appear on your left. Private Wolf is about 30 yards north of the white cemetery directory box and on the east.
Please bring a mask as Covid-19 rules are in effect.
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